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MInAS Combinations


The current version is: v0.0.2.


This can be considered a pre-alpha version, and has not been reviewed nor approved by the wider palaeogenomics community nor by the Genomics Standards Consortium.

The following submission combinations have been proposed by the SPAAM community to act as starting points for discussions. Not all types of ancient DNA research will currently be covered here, however the sub-fields should cover the vast majority of current research in the field. As the MInAS project develops, these default minimum-information submission combinations will be extended to include other areas.

All MInAS submission combinations will include the Ancient extension.

Category Submission Combination Context Palaeogenomics example Downloadable version
Reads Host-associatedMIMS + Ancient Ancient eukaryote reads Ancient human, animal, or plant reads (unmapped or mapped) Click Here
Reads Host-associatedMIMS + Ancient Ancient bacterial reads Ancient bacterial pathogen reads from skeletal material (unmapped or mapped) Click Here
Reads Host-associatedMIMS + Ancient Ancient virus reads Ancient virus pathogen reads from skeletal material (unmapped or mapped) Click Here
Reads Host-associatedMIMS + Ancient Ancient microbiome reads Ancient oral [dental calculus]; gut [palaeofaeces] microbiomes (reads) Click Here
Reads SedimentMIMS + Ancient Ancient eukaryote reads Ancient human, animal, or plant reads from sediment (unmapped or mapped) Click Here
Reads SedimentMIMS + Ancient Ancient bacterial reads Ancient bacterial pathogen reads from sediment (unmapped or mapped) Click Here
Reads SedimentMIMS + Ancient Ancient virus reads Ancient virus pathogen reads from sediment (unmapped or mapped) Click Here
Reads SedimentMIMS + Ancient Ancient microbiome reads sedaDNA (reads) Click Here
Assembly Host-associatedMIMAG + Ancient Ancient bacterial contigs Ancient pathogen [bacteria] (metagenomic de novo assembly) nan
Assembly Host-associatedMIMAG + Ancient Ancient virus contigs Ancient pathogen [virus] (metagenomic de novo assembly) nan
Assembly Host-associatedMIMAG + Ancient Ancient microbiome contigs Ancient pathogen [bacteria/virus]; oral [dental calculus] or gut [palaeofaeces] microbiomes (metagenomic de novo assembly) nan
Assembly SedimentMIMAG + Ancient Ancient metagenome contigs sedaDNA (metagenomic de novo assembly) nan
Genome Host-associatedMIGSBacteria + Ancient Ancient bacterial genome Ancient pathogen (assembled whole genome sequence) Click Here
Genome Host-associatedMIUVIG + Ancient Ancient viral genome Ancient pathogen (assembled whole genome sequence) Click Here
Genome Host-associatedMIGSEukaryote + Ancient Ancient eukaryote genome Ancient human or animal genome or genome-wide data (assembled whole genome sequence) nan
Genome Plant-associatedMIGSPlant + Ancient Ancient plant genome Ancient plant genome or genome-wide data (assembled whole genome sequence) nan